Senin, 15 Mei 2017

Information technology for business

Information technology is not only growing rapidly, but also often find rapid change. Almost every second always found new invention for the purpose of fix or complete the results of technology before. Benefits Information technology on now is not only be used for the benefit of organization itself, but also to the needs of individual. For organization information technology could be used to achieve competitive advantage, while to the needs of individual, technology be used for their personal use as looking for a job.
With the technology advancement the rapidly now, it can be said information technology has entering into all areas, one of them in business. Business without any use information technology will not be able to forward and threatened bankrupt. Many businesses that use information technology to support the progress business and profit desired. With use information technology in business would have a positive impact a great for the walking business we can build.

Email : Email is a means to send a letter via the internet .Usually email used to send important documents , the tasks and other things .Email also we can send a message although far farthest .In addition , email also a means of connects us to our social network .Email is really help in the communicate.

Internet : The internet is a computer network that has already made in such a way. With the internet we can easily access all sorts of knowledge as well as information. The internet is very helpful to everyone in any activity.

V-mail : Voice Mail or Voice Mail Box is a cellular feature by recording a message sent from a cellular user to another cellular user where the mobile phone user's situation is busy, inactive, out of reach of the cellular carrier area Or because of a missed call. Voice Mail Capacity is not the same for every operator as it is based on the length and number of messages and the length of storage. Cellular feature shaped Voice Mail operation as answering machine, but our voice recordings and messages from callers are not stored in our cellular Stored in an operator machine called Voice Mail Box.

Teleconference : Teleconference or teleconference or teleseminar is a direct communication among some people who usually remotely or not in one room and are connected by a telecommunication system.

Teleconference is a meeting conducted by two or more people who are done over the phone or network connection. The meeting can either use sound (audio conference) or use audio-video (video conference) that allows conference participants to see and hear what is said, as usual. In teleconferencing it is also possible to use the same whiteboard and each participant has control over it So, also share the app.
Telecommunication systems may support teleconferencing as they provide one or more of the following: audio, video, and / or data services by one or more means, such as telephone, computer, telegraph, teletype, radio and television

Many types of information technology that we can access according to our needs. Keep the use of negative content away. Use the best technology possible.

A business report is a report that is neutral, has a clear purpose and presents facts to one or more in order to achieve a particular business objective.
The business report states the purpose of the company is a managerial means to inform or contribute to the decision-making must be accurate, complete and objective for the good business interests

The benefits of business reports are, we can convey the business information we want to achieve. Can also to convey information about business cooperation


1. Individual reports and official reports
Individual reports are reports made on one's own initiative, thereby requiring more details and supporting evidence than official reports. Because the official report is made based on the request of the other parties.

2. Regular reports and special reports
Routine reports are submitted on a routine basis, usually in a pre-determined form.

3. Internal reports and external reports

Internal reports in general are reports that are essentially intended for the environment within the company only, while the external report is intended to be disseminated to parties outside the company.

To create a good business report, we can decide the goals to be achieved and accurate data in it. Good decisions are also needed by looking at existing facts and using understandable language, avoiding dirty words to other business opponents. Formats and styles should also be added so that the report can attract attention. Still use a good language and easy to understand.

Senin, 06 Maret 2017


Business Communication

- Is sharing of information between people within the enterprise that performed for the commercial benefit of the organization. 
- Is how company shares information to promote its product or service to potential consumer. 


- SENDER/ENCODER : Communication sender is communicating with the intention of delivering a message to people who (he) meant. encoder are intentions delivery of messages through symbols they understand.
- RECEIVER/DECODER : Communicant receiver can give feedback or a response message to be delivered. messages sent must be understood.
- MESSAGE : The message is a reference or ideas that are used in communication. the sender must use a good message for the receiver.
- CHANNEL/MEDIUM :  Referring to a channel messages to be  used  and sent for the purpose of communicating.
- CLARITY OF PURPOSE : The message should be clear and should be reference to the intended purpose.
- SHARE ACTIVITY (FEEDBACK) : In communicating everyone should be active. Feedback is very necessary.
- COMMON SET OF SYMBOL : We should use general language to communicate and also polite to the recipient. Must be adjusted to a specific purpose to be understood.
-FOCUS ON THE NEED OF THE RECEIVER : We can go directly to the recipient if they needs.
-ACTIVE LISTENING : Listeners should be active, understand and concentrate on what they are listening and able to deliver back to what they heard.
- POLITENESS : We must be polite in communicating to whoever, use words that are good and easy to understand and also keep the behavior or attitude of ourselves to give respect.
 - AVOIDING CONOTATION : Avoid negative connotations and keep our attitudes by using a good words.
- SOCIO-PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS :  The sender must understand the attitude of the recipient it first. should not be imposed if it may already seem boring to the recipient. the sender should be smart in delivering the aim of interesting and not boring.

What do you mean by “Effective Communication”. How does the knowledge process help us in communicating effectively? Effective communication is the communication that must be done in a good way and can be understood and well received

What is the major mistake in communication? Misunderstandings and errors speech that might offend our speaker. for that, we must quickly give purpose that we will convey that the receiver is not offended

Why is desirable to avoid the use of jargon in   business communication?
Is known jargon is a specific term used in the field of life (environment) specific. Jargon is usually not understood by people from other areas of life. IF we use jargon, maybe others will not understand what we mean

Selasa, 14 Februari 2017

Kali ini gua bakalan posting artikel band yang gua sukai "KELELAWAR MALAM" beserta arti maksud dari salah satu lagu mereka :)

Kelelawar Malam, Saat Suzanna Bertemu Frankenstein

Kelelawar Malam, Saat Suzanna Bertemu Frankenstein

TEMPO.COJakarta - Vokalis dan gitar: Sayiba Von Mencekam. Vokalis sekaligus bas: Deta Beringas. Lead guitar: Fahri Al Maut. Drum: Apin Kiamat. Mereka adalah Kelelawar Malam.

Band yang dalam situs Myspace mengaku beralirandead/horror metal punk tersebut baru menelurkan albumKelelawar Malam dalam bentuk vinyl di Borneo Beerhouse, Jakarta, Sabtu, 28 Januari 2012. Selain Kelelawar Malam, dalam pesta peluncuran album tersebut, turut tampil bandBromocorah, Inlander, dan Skank Macabre.

Kelelawar Malam awalnya merupakan band yang kerap mengusung lagu-lagu band hardcore punk Misfits, Samhain, dan Danzig. "Setelah selalu terdengar jelek di saat kita membawakan band-band tersebut, lalu kita memutuskan untuk buat lagu sendiri. Setelah beberapa kali gonta-ganti personel, akhirnya kita mendapatkan formasi yang solid. Dan jadilah Kelelawar Malam seperti sekarang,” kata Sayiba

Formasi yang ada sekarang bertahan sejak pertengahan 2008. Dengan susunan personel itu pula, band asal Jakarta ini pernah bergentayangan dalam tur Jawa-Bali bersama band grindcore Bandung, Rajasinga, pada November 2008.

Di Indonesia sendiri, band dengan konsep horor punk seperti Kelelawar Malam sudah ada dalam sosok Ejakula La Vampira. Ejakula La Vampira sempat membuka konser Misfits di Pantai Carnival Ancol, Jakarta, pada 10 April 2010. Berbeda dengan Ejakula La Vampira, Kelelawar Malam menyuguhkan konsep band horor yang total.

Dalam aksi mereka, Sayiba dan kawan-kawan kerap meneror penonton dengan dandanan mereka. Bahkan beberapa kali penampilan Kelelawar Malam diwarnai aksi teatrikal kuntilanak dan pocong lengkap dengan asap yang menyelimuti panggung.

Ketika ditanya mengapa kerap menampilkan aksi seperti itu, Sayiba menjawab, “Jawaban yang profesional adalah agar para penonton lebih mudah meresapi pesan-pesan yang terkandung dalam lagu-lagu kami. Jawaban dalam hati kami adalah agar perhatian orang lebih ke pocong daripada permainan berantakan kami.”

Tidak hanya aksi panggung, lagu-lagu mereka disesaki lirik-lirik bertema horor. Tengok saja lagu Suzannakenstein. Dalam lagu tersebut, diceritakan seorang pria yang ditinggal mati kekasihnya. Si pria tidak terima akan kenyataan tersebut. Ia mencoba menghidupkan kembali pasangannya. Berhasil! Sang pria menghidupkan kembali kekasihnya tersebut dengan tenaga listrik.

Namun peristiwa hidup kembalinya sang kekasih tidak berjalan sesuai dengan harapan si pria. Bahkan itu menjadi mimpi buruk. Sebab, wanita tersebut sudah bukan kekasihnya yang dulu lagi. Wanita itu berubah menjadi monster. Akhirnya sang wanita membunuh si pria.

Tak ada yang sempurna dalam dunia ini
Tak ada yang berjalan seperti yang diduga
Berbaring bersimbah darah di lantai dingin
Kekasihku kau layak lakukan semua

Kisah dalam lagu Suzannakenstein mirip dengan cerita Frankenstein. Namun Kelelawar Malam memodifikasi cerita tersebut sehingga sosok Frankenstein menjadi seorang wanita. “Akhirnya saya memutuskan memakai nama Suzannakenstein untuk mewakili karakter wanita yang ada di lirik lagu saya,” kata Sayiba, sang pencipta lirik.

Dalam pembuatan lirik, Sayiba banyak terinspirasi dari film-film horor lawas Indonesia maupun luar negeri. Tak heran jika nama almarhumah ‘Ratu Film Horor’ Suzanna dicaplok untuk Suzannakenstein. “Mungkin saya selalu teringat saat-saat waktu kecil menonton film-film Suzanna di TV. Dan saya juga membutuhkan ikon horor di Indonesia untuk menjadi inspirasi. Dan tak ada yang lebih pantas daripada Suzanna dalam hal tersebut di Indonesia,” ujar Sayiba.

Seluruh lirik Kelelawar Malam digarap Sayiba. Proses kreatif Kelelawar Malam diawali dengan lirik yang ditorehkan Sayiba. Ia pula yang membuat musiknya. Setelah itu, Sayiba merekam hanya dengan vokal dan gitar. Lalu ia mengirim rekaman tersebut melalui surat elektronik ke personel Kelelawar Malam lainnya untuk direspons. Akhirnya, lagu tersebut dibawa ke studio untuk proses final.

Salah satu lagu pertama yang ditelurkan Kelelawar Malam adalah Ratu Kegelapan. “Yang saya ingat chord gitar Ratu Kegelapan sama dengan lagu The Exploited yang Alternative,” kata Sayiba.

Jika Ejakula La Vampira memiliki beberapa lagu berbahasa Inggris, Kelelawar Malam menggeber seluruh lagunya dalam bahasa Indonesia.

Vinyl Kelelawar Malam sendiri sebelumnya dirilis dalam bentuk CD pada 2010. Bedanya, dalam bentuk vinyl, Kelelawar Malam menyuguhkan 10 lagu, sementara di format CD terdapat 13 lagu. Sebelum album tersebut rilis dalam bentuk vinyl, Kelelawar Malam sudah memuntahkan split vinyl 7 inci dengan band post rock Ghaust.

“Awalnya hanya ngobrol-ngobrol antara saya dan (gitaris Ghaust) Uri (Putra). Kita punya hobi koleksi (vinyl). Dan kebetulan saya sama Uri buat label atau toko Grieve Records dan tidak ada yang lebih keren kalau rilisan perdana kita adalah split Kelelawar / Ghaust. Lalu, setelah kita dapat bantuan dari Slap Bet Records (Singapore) dan Cactus Records (Malaysia), maka terjadilah,” kata Sayiba.

Meski awalnya merupakan band yang membawakan lagu-lagu band seperti Misfits dan Danzig, Kelelawar Malam tidak hanya terpaku pada aliran hardcore. Mereka juga terpengaruh band-band black metal macam Watain dan Darkthrone. Nuansa black metalterasa kental di lagu Manusia Serigala, baik di departemen vokal maupun musik.

Untuk vokal, Sayiba mengaku banyak meniru teknik Iwan Fals, Mike Ness dari Social Distortion, dan Glenn Danzig dari Danzig. Sementara itu, untuk gitar, Sayiba mengkombinasi Mike Ness dan Nocturno Culto dari Darkthrone. Jika didengar selintas, vokal Sayiba mengingatkan suara berat Heru ‘Shaggydog’ atau Ipang 'BIP'.

Di departemen drum, menurut Sayiba, “Apin enggak punya inspirasi. Dia terbentuk kayak sekarang karena di saat latihan kita semua yang mengarahkan untuk bermain seperti ini atau itu. Dia sebenarnya tidak terlalu peduli soal musik. Kalau ditanya tentang perkembangan soal musik, dia tidak akan tahu dan tidak akan peduli. Saya kira dia bermain drum lebih karena faktor olahraga.”

Sedangkan Fahri adalah pemuja gitaris Megadeth, Dave Mustaine. Namun belakangan dia teracuni gaya permainan gitar pentolan High On Fire, Matt Pike, dan gitaris Mastodon, Brent Hinds.

Di sisi bas, Deta merupakan penggila dedengkot Motorhead Lemmy Kilmister. Kendati demikian, Deta lebih tertarik mengonsep properti panggung Kelelawar Malam.

Deta pula yang mengerjakan sampul album Kelelawar Malam. Dengan karya-karya mirip teknik cukil kayu, sampul tersebut menyempurnakan konsep horor yang diusung Kelelawar Malam.

Setelah meluncurkan album self-titled dalam bentuk vinyl, Kelelawar Malam menggodok rencana untuk menggarap album kedua. Keinginan band ini pun tidak muluk. ”Membuat album, bermain di panggung dan tur. Saya kira itu saja,” kata Sayiba.


Bangkit dari kubur / Jalan Gelap - Demo - 2008
Desmodus Rotundus - EP - yesnowave - 2009
Suzannakenstein - Single - Jenggo Records - 2009
Malam Terkutuk - Malaysia Tour Edition - Cactus Records - 2010
Kelelawar Malam - Full-length - Jenggo Records - 2010
Split W/Ghaust - EP 7" - Grieve Records - 2011
Kelelawar Malam - LP 12" - Grieve Records - 2012

Kelelawar Malam:
- Sayiba Rahmat Bajumi aka Mencekam
- Unggul Tri Widetya aka Beringas
- Rangga Adi Saputra aka Kiamat
- Muhammad Fahri aka Al- Maut

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